Saturday, August 18, 2012

Facebook Wants to Spam You

? ? ?Facebook is one of the biggest websites in the world. They have almost one billion members. The problem is that Facebook isn't making as much money as it is predicted to. It is ranked 11th in revenue for an online website. A lot of companies that paid for ads to be displayed, say that most of the clicks they got on their ads are mostly from fake acounts. How will Facebook turn it around?

? ? ?Apparently, Facebook came up with a plan that will force Facebook members to view ads. Ads will appear in your newsfeed. This made me splenetic. I don't want to see ads in my newsfeed and I'm sure millions of people feel the same way. Facebook is having trouble making the most money they canm so they force their members to see the ads? This sounds like dictatorship to me.

? ? ?The big websites try to make big profits. Money is their first priorty. Nothing realy is free in this world. If Facebook puts one ad, I'll be content with that. Both of us are happy because I am not getting spammed with ads and Faebook gets more money. If Facebook puts over 3 ads in my newsfeed, I am gonna be furious. I remember a rumor that said Facebook will charge people to be a menber of Facebook. I don't see Facebook going down that road. I will rather see a couple of ads than pay to be a member of Facebook. Do you feel like Facebook is pushing its limits? They force all its users to have a timeline. Facebook always looks to help businesses and displays more ads after each update. Maybe they should try to make the members happy once in a while. You'll gain more popularity that way

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