Monday, November 5, 2012

Meet the Facilitator ~Beaumont | Mommy Connections Leduc

Hi, my name is Kori. I am a mother of two beautiful children, Katie who is
22 months old and Michael who is 4 months old.

My daughter Katie was a
wonderful surprise in our lives, and not being prepared AT ALL made me
realize how hard it is to find baby friendly resources! I learned about
Mommy Connections at a tradeshow and I attended my first Mommy Connections
class in South Edmonton when my daughter was 4 months old. I found it quite
helpful, not only to get me out of the house with my baby but also for the
resources, fantastic coupons and samples for other places I could take my
baby, as well as a way to meet other moms with babies the same age and
living in the same area as I was. We were able to get together as a group
and share our stories, fears, concerns and advice, plus I discovered how
much Katie loved certain activities that I never would have even thought of
taking her to. The moms in my group made a Facebook group and we still keep
in touch to this day.

The second Mommy Connections group I attended was the Mom + Tots program in
South Edmonton. Katie was 14 months old and I was 2 months away from having
baby Michael. It was great to meet another group of moms again, with kids
the same age, plus most of the moms had second babies already. This time all
the advice was about having a new baby and how the toddlers reacted, dealing
with jealousy, sharing a room etc. Very helpful again!

I am currently living in South Edmonton, but my family is house hunting
Beaumont. Thinking about moving to Beaumont made me realize that I would
have to start again, meeting new moms in the same area and finding places to
take my children. Beaumont has some wonderful programs for meeting other
moms but I had a difficult time finding them and finding baby/toddler
friendly activities and shops. So I thought how wonderful it would be to
start up Mommy Connections in Beaumont to help all the moms to be, new moms
and mom with toddlers find the resources they need and connect with the
businesses and other moms in their community.


Looking forward to meeting you ~Kori

Source: yahoo news foxnews Colorado shootings dark knight rises Aurora shooting James Eagan Holmes

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