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From: InfoSec News <alerts () infosecnews org>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 01:10:57 -0600 (CST),0,6633758.story By Salvador Rodriguez Los Angeles Times February 19, 2013In an apparent move to gain Twitter followers, sister networks MTV and BET pretended hackers took over their accounts.
Tuesday's publicity stunt came after Burger King and Jeep had their Twitter accounts hijacked by hackers who switched their profiles to show information for their respective rivals McDonald's and Cadillac.
MTV and BET, which are owned by Viacom, pretended the same kind of hacking was happening to their accounts by switching profile photos and logos. MTV became BET, and vice versa.
The stunt lasted for about an hour until MTV tweeted: "We totally Catfish-ed you guys. Thanks for playing! <3 you, @BET. ;)." That was followed by a tweet from BET that said: "#fakehackedswag !!! salute to @MTV for rockin this!"
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- MTV, BET pull hack stunt in apparent bid to gain Twitter followers InfoSec News (Feb 19)
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