Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sew Beautiful Blog: A closer look at Stitch Craft Create!

Magazine Week!

This week we delve into the world of magazines, including Stitch Craft Create, Sew Beautiful, and Stitch.

Today we will highlight

Stitch Craft Create is a refreshing magazine devoted to celebrating a creative lifestyle. Through inspiration, motivation, crafting ideas and how-to projects, Stitch Craft Create offers a ?can-do? approach to developing creative ambition and handmade originality. Within the pages of this contemporary crafts publication, readers have the opportunity to meet inspiring people, both hobbyists to celebrity designers; learn crafting techniques and receive an abundance of unique project tutorials in a variety of crafting genres, including sewing, paper crafts, fibers, mixed media, repurposing ideas, entertaining and more; discover new must-have products and resources; and above all, ignite the creative passion within themselves! We all wish we had the ability to beautify our lives with creative touches; Stitch Craft Create inspires the creative process and promotes living a handmade life by teaching readers how to seek, find and express creativity.

We had a chance to sit down with Shannon Miller, editor for Stitch Craft Create. ?

Sew Beautiful: ?Where did your love of crafting come from and have you crafted all of your life?

Shannon Miller: ?I have been a crafter for as long as I can remember. Growing up, my parents were always incredibly encouraging of creative play, and there was never a shortage of art supplies, crayons or glue at our house. My fondest childhood memories are of "making things" to play with or give to others. Just the other day, my sister and I were digging through our old dollhouse furniture, and there was a scrappy decoupaged box I clearly remember making, along with wonky furniture I'd crafted from floral foam and fabric scraps (not my finest work, but wonderful memories!)?As I grew up, crafting and creativity remained a central part of my identity. My parents gave me my first sewing machine when I went off to college, and today most of what I make is still for our home or family. I strongly considered attending a graduate school for art therapy because of my deeply-held belief that creating things with your own two hands is one of the finest forms of stress relief; and my husband knows that one of the best things he can offer me when I'm feeling anxious is a couple of hours alone in my craft room!

SB:?What is the most rewarding part of your job as the editor of Stitch Craft Create magazine?

SM: Knowing that the product we create is how people choose spend their extra cash and leisure time is an intrinsic reward like no other. Craft time is my happy place, and being part of a company that helps foster the creative spirit and enjoyment of others is so endlessly fun for me. You know that feeling when you meet a new person and discover that you're both "into crafts," causing you to squeal with excitement at your newfound shared interest? That's how I feel every day, and I feel like our readers are my best friends for that very reason!

SB:?What is the hardest part or most challenging part of your job?

SM: Trying (and failing) to make everybody happy all the time can be very intimidating, and it makes me very sad any time I find out that someone is disappointed, no matter what the reason. And of course, the deadlines are relentless! But all we can do is our best, and keep trying to make that best even better. I'm blessed to work with a team that is so very passionate about what we do.?Creating each issue of SCC has been a real learning process, and we're so excited about what's to come in the future.

SB:?Since you work with a multicraft publication, can you tell us which medium is your favorite?

SM: Oh my, I love it ALL! How can I choose just one? Personally, I'm a hand embroidery junkie. I also love quilting, although I always tend to bite off more than I can chew when it comes to quilts, so small sewing projects are often my craft of choice. I love sewing for my children and for our house, and I'm getting into clothing as well. I also have a soft spot for any project that crosses mediums, like stitching on paper, or ribbons and buttons on a scrapbook page, and any kind of repurposing/upcycling projects. Events and entertaining are another place I tend to dump lots of ideas; I love getting to make everything coordinate (I get a little obsessive!) Although, the parties I help decorate or host tend to always be a last-minute production, so they're always more incredible in my head than in real life. ;)

SB:?Since you just had a baby recently and are now the mother of two very little ones, does your job and home responsibilities allow for any personal craft time? How do you get your "craft fix?"

SM: Two babies under 18 months old has certainly put a cramp in my "free time," but things are settling down now that the newborn is not so new. I can usually grab a few minutes to myself on the weekends or after bedtime. I've gotten into scrapbooking this year, because I love that I can buy and play with all the scrumptious products and tidbits to my heart's desire, yet whip out a complete page in one sitting if I want. It's great stress relief; I like that it allows me to embrace that Instagram-esque concept of capturing a moment and savoring a memory of even small things. And of course, I'm incredibly lucky to work in and around crafts at work, so that certainly helps fill the creative gap when I don't have time for myself at home.

Thank you to Shannon for taking time from her very busy days to allow us to get to know her a little better; the brains behind the creativity!

Have you missed a past issue? ?
Did you know you can purchase them at Martha Pullen's online store?

Enter to win a bundle of all our issues, INCLUDING the soon-to-be-released
Holiday Issue!

Enter to win the bundle HERE! ___________________________

There are also many projects in our new book,?101 Ways to Stitch Craft Create!?This fun book features all-new projects includes sewing, stitching, embroidery, quilting, applique, knitting, crochet, papercraft, beading and cade decorating so you can unleash the crafter in you!

101 Ways to Stitch Craft Create:
Quick & Easy Projects to Stitch, Sew, Knit, Bead & Fold Want to try your hand at making gorgeous homemade goodies? This stunning collection of fresh, new projects includes ideas for sewing, stitching, embroidery, quilting, applique, beading, crochet, knitting, papercraft and cake decorating to help you jumpstart your creativity.

In this fully illustrated 128-page book, you?ll find complete instructions and materials lists for 101 original projects, including:

  • ?????? Elegant mini cakes
  • ?????? Lovely crocheted flower coasters
  • ?????? Exquisite shabby chic gift bags
  • ?????? Charming machine-stitched egg cosies
  • ?????? And much more!

Each simple step-by-step project can be crafted quickly with easily obtainable materials, so you?ll be creating handmade gifts and accessories in no time! Click HERE to win a copy!

OR purchase it right now for 19% off the cover price...
Our gift to you during National Sewing Month.


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Source: http://sewbeautifulmag.blogspot.com/2012/09/a-closer-look-at-stitch-craft-create.html

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